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Country Training Overview

Mervis Malambo

By Mervis Malambo

Project Leader


Message from the Project Leader

My vision for Zambia is to facilitate the transformation of communities through the empowerment of leaders who wholeheartedly embrace the pursuit of knowledge, enabling them to reach their utmost potential and enhance their ability to serve.

Country Training Initiatives


395 Total Participation

89 other
31 achieved
274 active
1 inactive


307 Total leaders by category

180 Religious Leaders
127 Women Leaders
0 Youth Leaders


Religious Leaders

13 Study Groups
15 Facilitators
9 Assistants

Women Leaders

10 Study Groups
9 Facilitators
9 Assistants

Challenges and Opportunities on the Culture

One of the main challenges is the rapid modernization and globalization that can potentially dilute traditional Zambian values and customs. As Western influences become more prevalent, younger generations might be tempted to abandon their cultural heritage in favour of embracing foreign practices. Urbanization presents challenges as rural areas tend to be strongholds of traditional Zambian culture. On the other hand, this same modernization also brings opportunities for cultural preservation and promotion. Efforts can be made to document and archive indigenous knowledge, music, dance, art, and literature. Cultural festivals and events can be organized to celebrate Zambian traditions and allow for intergenerational learning and engagement. Tourism can play a significant role in promoting cultural exchange while providing economic benefits for local communities. To harness these opportunities effectively, it is crucial for Zambia to strike a delicate balance between preserving its unique cultural identity while embracing the positive aspects of globalization.

Challenges and Opportunities on the Demographics

One key challenge is the rapidly growing population, which puts immense pressure on limited resources such as healthcare services, education facilities, and employment opportunities. Furthermore, the high birth rate exacerbates this problem by adding to the already sizable youth population that requires adequate support and guidance. Another challenge stems from urbanization trends, as more people migrate from rural areas to cities in search of economic prospects. This influx strains urban infrastructure and leads to issues like overcrowding, inadequate housing, and increased unemployment rates. Zambia's young population provides a unique advantage in terms of human capital; with proper investment in education and skills training programs, they can become a valuable force driving economic growth and innovation. Additionally, there is an enormous potential for agricultural development due to vast arable land availability. With smart policies promoting mechanization and modern farming techniques coupled with substantial investments in agribusinesses, Zambia can harness its agricultural potential to strengthen food security domestically while also becoming a major exporter in the region.

Challenges and Opportunities on the Economy

One of the major obstacles is Zambia's heavy dependence on copper exports, which leaves the country vulnerable to global price fluctuations and market demands. There are however significant opportunities for economic growth in other sectors such as agriculture, tourism, and renewable energy. With vast arable land and favourable climate conditions, Zambia has the potential to become a regional agricultural powerhouse, providing food security not only domestically but also exporting surplus produce. The country's rich natural landscapes make it an attractive destination for tourists seeking wildlife safaris and adventure activities. With abundant sunshine throughout the year, Zambia can harness its solar energy potential to fulfil increasing electricity demand and contribute to green energy initiatives. Overall, diversifying the economy by tapping into non-traditional sectors presents promising prospects for sustainable development in Zambia.

Challenges and Opportunities concerning the Government

The government in Zambia faces numerous factors as it strives to address the country's socio-economic issues. One key challenge is combating corruption, which undermines public trust and stifles economic growth. The government must enhance transparency, accountability, and integrity within its institutions, strengthen regulatory frameworks, and effectively prosecute corrupt individuals. Another significant challenge is poverty reduction. Despite recent progress, a substantial portion of the population still lives in poverty with limited access to basic services such as education and healthcare. The government needs to prioritize targeted interventions that promote inclusive growth by investing in critical sectors like agriculture, infrastructure, and small-scale industries while ensuring equitable distribution of resources across regions. On the other hand, there are opportunities for the government to harness natural resources such as mining and tourism to unlock economic potential. Embracing technological advancements can improve service delivery and governance efficiency. By investing in digital infrastructure and promoting e-governance initiatives, the Zambian government can facilitate citizen participation, enhance public service delivery, and foster innovation-driven economic growth. Overall, addressing these challenges while capitalizing on available opportunities will be crucial for Zambia's government success in achieving sustainable development goals.

Challenges and Opportunities concerning the Geography

Zambia, located in central Southern Africa, presents both challenges and opportunities due to its unique geography. The country encompasses diverse landscapes ranging from the vast Zambezi River system to the rugged terrain of the Great Rift Valley. Despite these natural blessings, Zambia faces significant obstacles related to its geography. One of the main challenges is its landlocked position, which limits access to international markets and increases transportation costs for imports and exports. Zambia's large size and scattered population make infrastructure development difficult and cost intensive. Nevertheless, these geographical factors also offer opportunities for growth and prosperity. The abundant water resources enable hydroelectric power generation, positioning Zambia as a potential energy exporter in the region. Additionally, its diverse ecosystems attract tourism and wildlife enthusiasts. By capitalizing on these opportunities while addressing the associated challenges through strategic planning and investments, Zambia can harness its geography to drive economic development and improve livelihoods for its people.

Challenges and Opportunities concerning the History

The history of Zambia poses several challenges and opportunities that are crucial to understanding the nation's development. One significant challenge lies in piecing together an accurate historical narrative due to limited written records before colonialism. This scarcity requires historians to rely on oral traditions, archaeological findings, and external sources, leading to gaps and varying interpretations. The legacy of colonialism has left deep scars, including social inequalities and political instability. These challenges present opportunities for researchers and educators to promote a more comprehensive understanding of Zambia's past by incorporating diverse voices and perspectives. Exploring pre-colonial cultures, such as the Great Zimbabwe civilization or the Kingdoms of Barotseland, provides insights into indigenous societies' rich heritage. Furthermore, examining post-independence struggles for democracy helps identify lessons for building a more inclusive society today. By addressing these challenges head-on, scholars can uncover a more nuanced understanding of Zambia's history while fostering national cohesion through shared knowledge and cultural pride.