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Paterson: Leadership Training and empowerment

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Mission Statement

Better leaders for a better churches

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Paterson Nsiyaludzu
Paterson Nsiyaludzu
Sat, 20 Apr 2024 16:16:38
@group In my country, many of church leaders are untrained due to many factors including, Leadership trainings are so expensive. Therefore leaders are trusted to Lead and others without any formal trainings. There are thousands of church leaders who needs trainings. Another challenge pastors faces is that they are ministering in the remotest areas where there is no any materials and financial support rendered to them. They needs skills and support to depend on their own to look after their spouses and children's. As you are aware Malawi is the poorest country in the world. God called us to reach this leaders with skills and support to stand on their feet both spiritual and physical.
Today 11:55:54
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Today 11:55:54
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