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Constantin's Resume
Constantin Gasore

Constantin Gasore

Rwanda flag


Personal Mission Statement

My name is Mr chamango Gift I have had an amazing experience learning from Emit about community transformation. Looking at my community needs I have a vision and goal to provide the basic education, lead people to Christ and also provide marital counseling for my community members. I also want to help enhance skills that will help members to be independent and be able to take care of their families.

Roles and Responsibilities

Project Leader: BurundiDem. Rep. CongoRwanda

About Me

Gender: Gender Unknown
Birthday: Birthday Unknown
Marital Status: Marital Status Unknown
Language: Language not selected

Contact Me

City Unknown , Rwanda

Education and Training

Constantin is not registered for any LINC courses.

Constantin has not added any education or training experiences to their resume.

Professional and Leadership Experience

Constantin has not added any professional or leadership experiences to their resume.