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Greenside Mutare Study Group

About Greenside Mutare Study Group

Greenside main

We normally meet at...

5 Bantin Greenside Mutare
More about this group......

About the Religious Leaders Course

Religious Leaders
Participants who completed this program will have gained invaluable skills to bring hope and transform the communities they serve with renewed responsibility.

Advanced Certificate Requirements

    100% Subject Attendance
    80% Average Grade
    80% Mi-10 attendance
    Community Project on the map
    Pay your study fees

Completion Certificate Requirements

    100% Subject Attendance
    80% Mi-10 attendance
    Community Project on the map
    Pay your study fees
Sonya de Jager
Sonya de Jager
Sun, 24 Mar 2024 18:37:10
@group Hi there Greenside Mutare! I trust you had a fantastic time. Please let us know if you struggle with anything - we are here to help.

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