Housing in Karasburg
Elizabeth Noble
We reach out to our community and assist them with building of houses where needed.
Upscaling and recycling
Elme Nickel
Recycling waste is crucial for several compelling reasons, and there are numerous motivating factors that make recycling a responsible and environmentally-friendly choice.
Feeding the community
Maria Swartbooi
Implementing a feeding scheme in our local community can have numerous positive impacts on the well-being and development of our residents.
Women in Business
Sarita Beukes
Light of the nation mission school
Helena Kamanya.
Gospel Truth Soup Kitchen
Stefanus Kazapua
Our primary aim is to spread the life-transforming message of Jesus Christ, while also extending a helping hand to the needy within our community through providing food and clothing.
UNCSO(Usakos needy children support organization)
Eriki Simon
Life assemblies of God
Mukupi Ndara
Mountain Mover Youth Co-operative
Stefanus Kazapua
Ark-Sunshine Day & Aftercare
Justine Coetzee
Helping to educate toddlers, its our passion.