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Sowing project

Zimbabwe Zimbabwe

Alliance kawaka

Clothing my community as Dorcas in the bible

Lwetu tailoring project

Zimbabwe Zimbabwe

Nkosi Lwetu

Together we can help those in need

Women empowerment

Malawi Malawi

Matthew Banda

Creating sustainable environment to the women in the society through different skills

school girls

South Africa South Africa

Phokela Patience Morotoba

Luchima Enterprise

Zambia Zambia

Mildredmilimo sinyangwe

Tepta Private Limited

Zimbabwe Zimbabwe

Timothi Kubvoruno

To provide quality and affordable uniforms and formal clothes in Bulawayo


South Africa South Africa

Bonisile Mzombe

Knit your life

Chahande Investment

Namibia Namibia

Anna Masikili

To Empower people to be self sustained and help others.

Walking Miracle

Namibia Namibia

Elago Nantana