My name is Aalon Kasitom. I come drom Ntcheu district in Malawi. I am 43 years old and am married with 6 children.
I am passionate about helping children and widows who struggle to survive and pay for school fees. Most men in my area neglect their responsibility to look after their homes and children, pay school fees, buy clothes and food.
My vision is to start programs that can help the needy women and children that will change their lives dor the better.
@members As a church we want to bring a change in our area regarding the job creation.Many of our community are not working due to the lack of jobs.we want to come up with this action so that many families will be empowered with skills and starter packs.
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@aalonkasitom Your application to study Religious Leaders has been approved. Go to your learning profile to see your course dashboard. Welcome to the EMIT Family!